29 Apr 2014

Monastery TVRDOŠ

Monastery TVRDOŠ        www.tvrdos.com

Monastery Tvrdos is dedicated to the Dormition of the Most Holy Theotokos and was built upon the stone formations of Tvrdos along the right side of the banks of the Trebisnjica River, four kilometers west of Trebinje. 
Referring to Tvrdos, our historians considered it sufficient to say that it is a monastery dating back to the “Middle Ages” and that it is famous as a monastery in Trebinje.  However, according to legend which is a fact relatively recently documented, Monastery Tvrdos was founded by the Czar, Saint Constantine, and his mother Saint Helen. Further after it was destroyed and abandoned, it became the endowment of the Serbian King Milutin at the end of the 13th or the beginning of the 14th century.  A thorough restoration in 1509 was made by Metropolitan Visiarion I of  Trebinje.
The monastery was for two centuries, if not more, the see of Hum-Herzegovina, the then-known Metropolitanate of Trebinje. During the Turkish-Venetian War, the Venetians in 1694  the entire church and the entire monastery blown up by explosives as was decpicted by the Herzegovian Vladimir Corovic, who was responsible for, among other things, the historical description of most Herzegovian monasteries.
The church was only then restored by the new endower, Nikola Runjevac, the wealthy Trebinian from America at that time the smaller old konak  was repaired and a newer and larger konak was built. A great awakening and the intense renovation of the monastery was experienced from 1955 which still continues until the present day.
Upon the destruction of Monastery Tvrdos at the end of the 14th century, many priceless spiritual and precious cultural items from Tvrdos were transferred to Monastery Savina near Herceg Novi.  The lifeblood of this monastery was continued not only in Savina, but more so in the nearby Metoch-Monastery Duzi. In October of 1992 the holy hand of an unknown saint was brought from Duzi to Tvrdos. It was most probably that of the Saint Helen, the Queen mother of Milutin and Dragutin (as it used to be present in the monastery according to the record in the journal of the monasteries of Trebinje which is currently found in Savina.
In an old epic folk poem the monastery Tvrdoš and its cellars, or monastic closets filled with wine are mentioned. In the dark times after the collapse of the medieval Serbian state, Serbian monks in monasteries preserved a seed of the Serbian spirituality and culture, and the tradition of Serbian winemaking. After all, just the same as in the entire Europe, in our winemaking the greatest credit for the transfer of knowledge on growing grapewine and producing wine belongs to monasticism. Many famous wine houses of France, Italy, Spain and Germany were established at the old monastic estates or as the successors of their tradition. There are many Serbian monasteries that saved the winemaking reputation to this day: Visoki Dečani, Ljubostinja, Tvrdoš .
The monks of the monastery Tvrdoš started ten years ago a new chapter in the story of the monastic wine-making in our country. They took care of the grapevine in Trebinjsko polje, where the old plantations of the Vranac are located on 70 hectares of land and even built 60 hectares of young vineyards in Popovo polje.
Today the monastery has two cellars. In an old stone cellar from the 15th century, in hundred-year-old oak barrels Vranac matures, and only ten meters away, next to the Trebisnjica, a new cellar is dug, equipped with the latest technology, but perfectly integrated into the existing complex.
Modern technological solutions include also a gravitational transport of wine during processing, enabled by height differences between different levels of cellars.

26 Mar 2014


Grad sunca, vina i platana, koji je u 2013. zabilježio rekordan broj turističkih posjeta, dobiće u ovoj godini nove smještajne kapacitete. Naime, u zgradi nekadašnjeg Đačkog doma u Trebinju, koju je kupila firma "Integra inženjering", planirana je adaptacija. Tako će glavna ulica, koju odlikuje mediteranska arhitektura, dobiti još jedan hotel. Osim njega, u istoj ulici, pedesetak metara dalje već postoji hotel "Platani II".
Ali, tu priča ne staje. Na ulazu u Stari grad nedavno je prodat objekat u kojem je bila smještena ortopedija "Rudo", takođe "Integri", pa će ta zgrada ubuduće ponuditi apartmane svim koji se upute u Trebinje.
Ove informacije potvrdila je za portal "eKapija.com" direktorka Turističke organizacije Grada Trebinja Tatjana Bulajić na ovogodišnjem Međunarodnom sajmu turizma u Beogradu, koji je počeo juče i završava u nedelju, 2. marta.
Te investicije, će prema njenim riječima, itekako upotpuniti postojeću ponudu smještaja.
- Sada je u Trebinju registrovano 630 kreveta, a neregistrovanih oko 200. Krenuli smo u akciju da se što više njih prijavi, pa ove sezone možemo očekivati ga gostima ponudimo 800 ležajeva, i više. Uglavnom, novih 100 jedinica biće do kraja 2014.
Svako novo ulaganje u hotele i motele u gradu na Trebišnjici trebalo bi da se isplati, s obzirom na to da su iz godine u godinu turistički radnici suočeni sa istinskom navalom gostiju, iz svih krajeva svijeta. To potvrđuje i statistika, koju nam prenosi naša sagovornica.
- Prošle godine zabilježili smo 30% noćenja više nego 2012, koja ja opet u odnosu na 2011. bila bolja za 20%. Najveći broj ostvarili su turisti iz Turske, Južne Koreje, Grčke, kao i Srbije. Obično je to boravak do dva dana. Nismo još uspjeli da se izborimo da ostaju duže, što nam je dugoročan cilj. Inače, naša strategija je da se turisti smjeste i borave u Trebinju, iz njega odu u obilazak Dubrovnika, Crne Gore, Nacionalnog parka "Sutjeska" i ponovo se vraćaju u naš grad.
foto: Trebinjeturizam.com
Interesantno je da su u avgustu prošle godine Belgijanci direktno sa kruzera koji je uplovio u Dubrovnik došli pod trebinjske platane, kada im je priređen mali spektakl. I njih, a i sve ostale, privuče kultura i tradicija, spontana gostoljubivost, zdrava hrana, pristupačne cijene, okolni vjerski objekti i naravno vinarije. Njih čak osam je otvoreno da primi sve one koji žele da okuse čuvenu žilavku, vranac i mnoga druga vina.
Uspješan rezultat prošlogodišnje sezone zabilježili su i prodavci suvenira na trebinjskom korzou. Dešavalo se da se za nešto više od deset dana u kasu slije 1.000 KM. Tako se mladi kreativci iz Trebinja već spemaju za ljeto 2014, kada će turistima ponuditi neke nove i zanimljive detalje.
Tatjana Bulajić kaže da je za ovu godinu karakterističan projekat koji će Turistička organizacija sprovesti sa gradskom upravom, a riječ je o postavljanju turističke signalizacije. Ovim projektom je planirano da Trebinje dobije jedan "out door totem" sa interaktivnom mapom grada, 50 saobraćajnih znakova, 40 znakova turističke informativne signalizacije, 300 znakova ulične turistikče signalizacije, jedan upozoravajući radar na pravcu Trebinje–Nikšić, kao i različit promotivni materijal (brošure, TV-spot, radio-spot, bilbordi, majice).
- Za dva, tri mjeseca biće postavljen i panoramski dvogled na Hercegovačkoj Gračanici, što je još jedan način na koji smo podigli kvalitet ponude.
Ističe i da trebinjski vinari ulaze u IPA projekat zajedno sa gradovima Niš i Pljevlja, i time dobijaju 250.000 EUR, što je još jedan korak ka stvaranju autentičnih turističkih ponuda.
Dobre ideje iz Japana
Naša sagovornica se prije nekoliko dana vratila iz stručne posjete Japanu, gdje je u okviru Turističkog klastera Hercegovine, boravila sa kolegama iz BiH. A tamo se govorilo i o tome šta to Japanci dobro rade u turizmu, a što bi i Hercegovina mogla da implementira.
- Naišli smo na nešto što bi se moglo primjeniti i kod nas, a što Japanci zovu mičino eko. To su odmarališta pored puta, koja osim što imaju pumpu, restoran, nude i trgovine koje se baziraju na domaćim proizvodima. S obizorm na to da Trebinje osim turizma, ima razvijenu i poljoprivredu i plodno Popovo polje, takvo nešto itekako bi moglo da zaživi.
Beluči opet u Trebinju
Reditelj Emir Kusturica na proljeće nastavlja snimanje filma "Na mliječnom putu", pa Monika Beluči dolazi u prvoj polovini maja ponovo u grad na Trebišnjici.
Kao i prošlog ljeta, i ove godine čeka je njena soba u hotelu "Platani II". Kako zbog nje, tako i zbog svih ljepota najjužnijeg grada BiH, oba hotela "Platani" su ostvarili dobru poslovnu godinu.
- Sezona je bila bolja za 45% u odnosu na 2012. I ove godine očekujemo veći porast broja turista, pogotovo Rusa i Turaka, koji su se zbog uvođenja viza za Hrvatsku, orijentisali prema Trebinju i Mostaru - kaže za portal "eKapija.com" Jelena Kovačević Bošković iz hotela "Platani".
Ističe da im sezona traje od sredine aprila do oktobra, i tada su sva mjesta rezervisana. U tom periodu se na slobodno mjesto u čuvenoj ljetnoj bašti sa 500 mjesta čeka čak sat do dva. Sredinom vrelih julskih i avgustovskih dana, u doba fjake, malo se isprazni, a onda kreće večernje ćakulanje.

Teodora Brnjoš

11 Dec 2013

Very very good news from....www.banjaluka-airport.com
AIR SERBIA www.airserbia.com

Vision in action: Andrićgrad


www.visegradturizam.com www.andricgrad.com
  Andrictown (Andrićgrad) is a tourist, cultural, administrative and educational complex. It is situated on a peninsula between the rivers Drina and Rzav in Visegrad.

Andrićgrad is a project of a famous film director Emir Kusturica, the stone town inspired by the literary works and characters of Nobel Prize winner Ivo Andric. It’s architecture is a mix of different eras and styles that passed throughout Visegrad history: the Byzantine style, the Ottoman period, the Renaissance, the Classicism.

Some of the main objects of Andrićgrad are: Ivo Andric institute with a center for Slavic languages, Fine arts Academy, Town hall, renaissance theater, multiplex cinema, accommodation objects and much more.

The whole complex will be finished in June 2014. It is estimated that Andrićgrad will become one of the biggest tourist attractions in the region, together with Mehmed pasa bridge, Drina river boat cruise, and reconstructed narrow gauge tourist railway Visegrad - Mokra Gora. 

SKI SEASON OPENING.................

The beginning of the winter tourist season 2013/2014 on Friday 13 December 19th 2013 00 hours, at the hotel "Bistrica" Jahorina, when it will be handed to the traditionally free ski straps, and will be signed and a protocol on cooperation tourist organizations of East Sarajevo and Banja Luka, was announced on the website of the Tourist Organisation of East Sarajevo.
Olympic center "Jahorina" and the Company "m: tel", under the slogan "Day for Love on Jahorina," for all those who love the mountains and skiing have devised various facilities at Poljice.
The opening of the ski season will mark the concert, which will choose the most beautiful love note printed by visitors, which will be awarded a gift package company "m: tel".
- Olympic center "Jahorina" invites all lovers of mountains and skiing on the opening of the ski season on Saturday, 14th December, when the free passes for all skiers skiing - according to the website of Tourist organisation of East Sarajevo www.turizam-isa.ba